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Ephemeral databases

A database server is provided as part of the cluster to enable users to run jobs requiring databases or to improve jobs with high I/O by using a database instead of flat files. To provide the widest possible compatibility, both MySQL (MariaDB) and PostgreSQL are available.

In order to provide an appropriately high-speed service, the database server uses local SSDs. This means that disk space is limited so databases must only exist for the lifetime of the job.

Databases are not backed up

Ephemeral databases stored on the cluster database server are not backed up. To prevent potential data loss, we strongly recommend that users take regular backups of their database schema and data, usually in the form of a database dump. Please contact us if you require assistance with setting up database backups.

Requesting a database

To get access to an Ephemeral Database, please fill in and submit our database request form (QMUL users only) with details of your requirements including:

  • MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • Estimated size of database
  • Intended usage (job scripts)
  • Likely duration of jobs and project



loading the module to use the MySQL client

To use the MySQL client inside your jobs, first load the mysql module. Failure to do this will result in the job failing with error: mysql: command not found.

Once your request has been granted you will receive the following details:

  • database name
  • database host (identified as DATABASE_HOST below)
  • read/write username and password (all privileges granted)
  • read-only username and password (only SELECT privilege granted)

These can then be used to connect to the database from any cluster node:

$ module load mysql
$ mysql -u abc123_example -D abc123_example -h DATABASE_HOST
Enter password:

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [abc123_example]>  SHOW TABLES;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [abc123_example]>

MySQL user configuration

A .my.cnf file can be used to save the connection details for ease of use:


After creating this file you should use chmod to ensure only you can read it:

chmod 0600 ~/.my.cnf

Once a .my.cnf file is in place details are automatically read from the file:

$ cat ~/.my.cnf

$ module load mysql
$ mysql

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [abc123_example]>

Multiple databases can be added as additional sections and selected via the --defaults-group-suffix option e.g.

$ cat ~/.my.cnf



$ module load mysql
$ mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_example
MariaDB [abc123_example]>

$ mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_other
MariaDB [abc123_other]>

When using multiple databases you should not specify per database settings in the [client] section.

Further information on .my.cnf files is available in the MySQL Documentation. with details on multiple sections available here.


The following examples expect a .my.cnf file to be in place, either with a default [client] section or with specific sections [client_example].

Loading into MySQL

Data can be loaded into MySQL via the mysql command:

$ module load mysql

# Single DB setup
mysql < dump.sql

# Multi DB setup
mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_example < dump.sql

Exporting from MySQL

Databases can be exported from MySQL using the mysqldump tool:

$ module load mysql

# Single DB setup
$ mysqldump <database_name> > dump.sql
Warning: mysqldump: ignoring option '--databases' due to invalid value 'database_name'

# Multi DB setup
$ mysqldump --defaults-group-suffix=_example <database_name> > dump.sql
Warning: mysqldump: ignoring option '--databases' due to invalid value 'database_name'

Warning: mysqldump: ignoring option '--databases' due to invalid value

This message can be safely ignored, see this MySQL bug for more details.

Clearing from MySQL

Running the following SQL commands will clear the database:

SELECT @sql:=concat('DROP TABLE ', group_concat(table_name)) FROM
       information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=(SELECT database());

PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;


Using DROP DATABASE may result in issues connecting so should be avoided.


loading the module to use the PostgreSQL client

To use the PostgreSQL client inside your jobs, first load the postgresql module. Failure to do this will result in the job failing with error: postgresql: command not found.

Once your request has been granted you will receive the following details:

  • database name
  • database host (identified as DATABASE_HOST below)
  • read/write username and password (all privileges granted)
  • read-only username and password (only SELECT privilege granted)

These can then be used to connect to the database:

$ module load postgresql
$ psql -U abc123_example -d abc123_example -h DATABASE_HOST
Password for user abc123_example:
Type "help" for help.

abc123_example=> \dt
No relations found.

PostgreSQL user configuration

A .pgpass file can be used to save the connection details for ease of use:


After creating this file you should use chmod to ensure only you can read it:

chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass

Once a .pgpass file is in place passwords are automatically read from the file:

$ cat ~/.pgpass

$ module load postgresql
$ psql -U abc123_example -d abc123_example -h DATABASE_HOST
Type "help" for help.


Multiple databases can be added as additional lines and the password will be correctly selected when connecting e.g.

$ cat ~/.pgpass

$ module load postgresql
$ psql -U abc123_example -d abc123_example -h DATABASE_HOST

$ psql -U abc123_other -d abc123_other -h DATABASE_HOST

Further information on .pgpass files is available in the PostgreSQL Documentation.

Loading into PostgreSQL


You make see this error: ERROR: must be owner of extension plpgsql This can be safely ignored.

ERROR: relation already exists

This error means the database is not empty and the data being loaded may be duplicated. To ensure data consistency the database should be cleared first.

PostgreSQL can either use plain SQL dumps or a custom format with built in compression. Additional information is available in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Loading plain SQL

Data can be loaded into PostgreSQL via the psql command:

module load postgresql
psql -U <username> -d <database> -h DATABASE_HOST -f db.sql
Loading compressed PostgreSQL custom format

Custom format data can be loaded into PostgreSQL via the pg_restore command:

module load postgresql
pg_restore -U <username> -d <database> -h DATABASE_HOST db.dump

Exporting from PostgreSQL

Exporting plain SQL

Databases can be exported from PostgreSQL using the pg_dump tool:

module load postgresql
pg_dump -U <username> <database> -h DATABASE_HOST --no-privileges > db.sql
Exporting compressed PostgreSQL custom format

Databases can be exported as a custom format from PostgreSQL using the pg_dump tool and the -Fc option:

module load postgresql
pg_dump -U <username> <database> -h DATABASE_HOST --no-privileges -Fc > db.dump

Clearing from PostgreSQL

module load postgresql
psql -U <username> <database> -h DATABASE_HOST -c "DROP OWNED BY <username>;"

Example job scripts

MySQL basic job

This is a basic job script that loads a MySQL database, executes some code, exports the database and cleans up the database.

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe smp 1
#$ -l h_rt=1:0:0
#$ -l h_vmem=4G


module load mysql

# Load DB
mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_example < input_db.sql

# Run job

# Export DB
mysqldump --defaults-group-suffix=_example ${DB_NAME} > output_db.sql

# Clean up DB
mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_example << EOF
SELECT @sql:=concat('DROP TABLE ', group_concat(table_name)) FROM
information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=(SELECT database());
PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

PostgreSQL basic job

This is a basic job script that loads a PostgreSQL database, executes some code, exports the database and cleans up the database.

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe smp 1
#$ -l h_rt=1:0:0
#$ -l h_vmem=4G


module load postgresql

# Load DB
psql -U ${DB_USER} ${DB_NAME} -h ${DB_HOST} -f input_db.sql

# Run job

# Export DB
pg_dump -U ${DB_USER} ${DB_NAME} -h ${DB_HOST} --no-privileges > output_db.sql

# Clean up DB
psql -U ${DB_USER} ${DB_NAME} -h ${DB_HOST} -c "DROP OWNED BY ${DB_USER};"


MySQL references

PostgreSQL references